The Wedding of Katrina and James

August 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Another typical Scottish wedding i.e. showers and sunshine. The Bride and Groom however were all sunshine. The wedding was held in the Tudor Hotel in Airdrie and everything went incredibly well. The hotel has done a bit of work and re-modelling, and the downstairs cloakroom for the function suite has been converted into an alcove with a fireplace. I haven't shown any of these as this is where most of the family photo's were taken, but it is nice when the weather (as usual) is not. Didn't get everything we wanted as the normal time pressures prevailed, but the dancing at night was good and the group were fantastic, changing into different costumes in the second half to reflect the singer. Scotland's answer to Elvis is shown, but Freddie Mercury also made an appearance at one point. I'd like to thank Katrina and James for working with us to get the best out of a bad weather day. They are a fun couple and the night was swinging. Most people don't realise that we stay and show them the photo's taken during the day on our laptops and if they want to buy one we can also print them out on the night. Anyway, it was a quick drive home afterwards as I live in Airdrie and the Tudor has upped it's game. Oh and btw, the zoom burst effect was done entirely in camera and not Photoshop - just trying to convince you all that unlike some other snappers, I know what I'm doing.


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